NCDMF Carcass Collection Program by Dr. Bogus So I went out fishing the other day, tried top-water bait for a red drum and landed a feisty slot 23-inch red, however I struck out using live finger mullet for flounder only catching a few undersized 12- or 13-inch throwbacks, and all the time I was thinking… Read more »

Posts Categorized: Fishing
Cold Stun Guidelines (12/14/16)
Internal Guidelines for Adaptive Management for Cold Stun Closures Dec. 14, 2016 I. Issue Since 2011, the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) has followed a set of guidelines to determine if closing the spotted seatrout commercial and recreational fisheries after severe winter cold stun events are warranted (NCDMF 2012). The decision… Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for December 2016
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from high of 62-degrees to a low of 50-degrees with an average of 54.7-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a high of 64-degrees but a low of 42-degrees with an average of 50.7-degrees (red squares). Temperatures in December were near normal. Slope was negative showing a decrease was about 0.21-degrees/day. … Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for November 2016
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from high of 69-degrees to a low of 57-degrees with an average of 61.7-degrees (blue diamonds) about 10 degrees colder than last month. Bogue Sound had a high of 66-degrees but a low of 47-degrees with an average of 57.5-degrees (red squares), nearly 12 degrees colder than October. Temperatures in… Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for October 2016
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from high of 78-degrees to a low of 66-degrees with an average of 71.8-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound also had a high of 78-degrees but a low of 61-degrees with an average of 69.3-degrees (red squares). Temperatures in October were near or slightly above normal. Slope was negative showing a… Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for August 2016
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for August 2016 Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 79-degrees to a high of 85-degrees with an average of 82.2-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 81-degrees and a high of 88-degrees with an average of 83.9-degrees (red squares). August mostly stayed in the low 80s in… Read more »
Fishy teeth up close and personal
Fishy teeth up close and personal FLOUNDER, Lower jaw to the right. Notice killing fangs on the lover jaw! Flounder bitten finger mullet. Check out the fang marks! SPANISH MACKEREL SPECKLED TROUT Trout bite marks on Styrofoam cork SHEEPSHEAD Mouth of a 36.8-pound king mackerel caught by Roger Brown 9/27/16 from Bogue Pier…. Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for July 2016
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 80-degrees to a high of 84-degrees with an average of 81.3-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 80-degrees and a high of 87-degrees with an average of 83.7-degrees (red squares). July’s surf temperatures were essentially FLAT with 22 days either 80 or 81-degrees. A bit… Read more »
Crabs for Dinner Anyone?? Baits that can’t be ignored!
Crabs for Dinner Anyone?? Baits that can’t be ignored! By Dr. Bogus Dear Dr. Bogus; Last week on Saturday morning, I was watching a fishing show on ESPN. These guys were in Florida catching red drum. They were using whole blue claw crabs for bait. This got me to thinking. I reel in a crab… Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for May 2016
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for May 2016 Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 62-degrees to a high of 76-degrees with an average of 67.9-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 65-degrees and a high of 81-degrees with an average of 71.6-degrees (red squares). The rate of increase (slope of the line)… Read more »