NCDMF Regs & Fishing Tourney (Citation) Criteria. These can be moving targets so the Regs are as of August 2015. This includes finfish, shellfish and crabs etc.The fishing tourney has do with citations given for big fish, There are catch, catch and release and release only categories

Monthly Archives:: November 2015
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for October 2015
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for October 2015 Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from high of 79-degrees to a low of 67-degrees with an average of 72.7-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a high of 79-degrees and a low of 57-degrees with an average of 69.4-degrees (red squares). October saw the typical drop in temps especially… Read more »
Net Effect: The fight over flounder
We are all aware of the continuing debate concerning large mesh gill nets and southern flounder fishery in our state. Recently WRAL TV in Raleigh ran a documentary on this and the use of inshore shrimp trawls. They gave a fair presentation from the commercial side, recreational side and regulatory side of the southern (internal)… Read more »