Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for May 2016 Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 62-degrees to a high of 76-degrees with an average of 67.9-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 65-degrees and a high of 81-degrees with an average of 71.6-degrees (red squares). The rate of increase (slope of the line)… Read more »

Monthly Archives:: May 2016
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for April 2016
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 56-degrees to a high of 64-degrees with an average of 60.4-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 48-degrees and a high of 72-degrees with an average of 62.1-degrees (red squares).
Of Water Temperatures and Shark Bites, 2015
Of water temperatures and shark bites, 2015. Remember the Goldilocks syndrome, not too cold, not too hot…just right! I am a retired PhD chemist, locally known as Dr. Bogus and have and have taken water temperatures in Bogue Sound and in the ocean from Bogue Pier for over two-decades most of that time on a… Read more »
NEW COBIA Regs (5/20/16)
Release: Immediate Contact: Patricia Smith Date: May 20, 2016 Phone: 252-726-7021 or 252-342-0642 Recreational cobia regulations go into effect Monday MOREHEAD CITY –The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries has issued a proclamation consistent with the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission’s decision to impose restrictions on the recreational cobia fishery. On Thursday the commission… Read more »