Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 72-degrees to a high of 80-degrees with an average of 77.1-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 68-degrees a high of 85-degrees with an average of 79.4-degrees (red squares). May temps fluctuated a bit but increased steadily increased about 0.2-degrees/day and we continue to be… Read more »

Monthly Archives:: June 2017
Noisy Baits
Noisy baits, Part 1 popping corks and rattles: by Dr. Bogus with Brian Cope I’m (Dr. Bogus) a scientist so I always like to look at things from the scientific viewpoint, so when I saw the article by South Carolina fishing and outdoors writer Brian Cope on noise and designing noisy baits I thought… Read more »
For the best results, try live ‘n’ kickin’ bait
For the best results, try live ‘n’ kickin’ bait, By Dr. Bogus (from 2006) If you like to fish, almost any bait will do, if you really want to catch fish, most people go with live bait. Here is what you need to know about catching and using the real thing for bait. Although… Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for May 2017
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 68-degrees to a high of 76-degrees with an average of 72.0-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 64-degrees a high of 82-degrees with an average of 73.9-degrees (red squares). May temps fluctuated a bit but increased steadily increased about 0.18-degrees/day and we continue to be… Read more »