Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for August 2016 Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 79-degrees to a high of 85-degrees with an average of 82.2-degrees (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 81-degrees and a high of 88-degrees with an average of 83.9-degrees (red squares). August mostly stayed in the low 80s in… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: August 2016
Fishy teeth up close and personal
Fishy teeth up close and personal FLOUNDER, Lower jaw to the right. Notice killing fangs on the lover jaw! Flounder bitten finger mullet. Check out the fang marks! SPANISH MACKEREL SPECKLED TROUT Trout bite marks on Styrofoam cork SHEEPSHEAD Mouth of a 36.8-pound king mackerel caught by Roger Brown 9/27/16 from Bogue Pier…. Read more »