Old reds: Radio interview by Dr. Bogus with Capt. Joe Shute on 8/13/18, Ben Ball Host of Coastal Daybreak, WTKF 1240 AM, 107.1 FM. Dr. Bogus: This is a season for the old drum fishery, before we talk about the old drum catching…you’ve been, not to harp on it but you’ve been around here for… Read more »

Monthly Archives:: August 2018
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for July 2018
July’s water temps started off unusually HOT (85°) then dropped, normalized and stayed around 81 for the rest of the month. Surf had a low of 79, high of 85, sound a low of 75 and high of 87. Averages for surf and sound almost identical, surf was 81.9, sound 81.8, Check out the graph…. Read more »
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for June 2018
June’s water temps gradually increased throughout the month at abour 0.2°/day. Surf had a low of 72, high of 82, sound a low of 78 and high of 85. Average surf was 78.5, sound 81.3, Check out the graph, blue diamonds are the surf, red squares are the sound temperatures.