Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from a Low of 64 to a high of 74 with an average of 69.7, (blue diamonds). For the month we had a positive slope of the temps at the pier: y=0.26x + 66. Bogue Sound (red squares) had a low of 68 and a high of 78-degrees with an… Read more »

Monthly Archives:: July 2014
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for June 2014
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from a Low of 74 to a high of 84 with a warm average of 78.1, (blue diamonds). For the month we had a positive slope of the temps at the pier: y=0.23x + 75. Bogue Sound (red squares) had a low of 73 and a high of 87-degrees with… Read more »