On Monday 8/28/17, Mike Loeffler was a guest on my radio show (www.thetalkstation.com, WTKF 107.1 FM, 1240 AM). Mike is a fisheries biologist for NCDMF and is the species lead for flounder here in North Carolina. Here is a transcription of that radio show with Mike Loeffler, Mr. Flounder floundering around with Dr. Bogus On… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: September 2017
Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for August 2017
Surf at Bogue Pier ranged from Low of 77° to a high of 84° with an average of 80.5° (blue diamonds). Bogue Sound had a low of 75° a high of 87° with an average of 80.9° (red squares). August temperatures were nearly flat with a slight upward trend mid month falling off the last… Read more »