Emerald Isle Water Temperatures for January 2022
Surf temps for December were up high early in the month and downed rapidly by the end of the month with the surf dropping from a high of 62° to low of 46° (-16°) with a linear slope of 0.47°/day (R^2 0.911). Don’t see that often. Bogue sound was even more dramatic with a high of 64° and a low of 39° a change of -25°. So the surf at Bogue Pier had a High of 62°, low of 46° with an average of 59.3° +/- 4.5°. Bogue Sound had a high of 64° and a low of 39°, with an average 47.5° +/-6.7°. Check out the graph, blue diamonds are the surf, red squares are the sound temperatures.